Friday 1 August 2008

Forthcoming Companion shows

For those of you who enjoy a day out with your dogs, supporting a good cause and showing off your best six legs, you'll be pleased to know that there are a few Companion shows coming up.

It's short notice for the first I'm afraid, as it is actually being held tomorrow at Clatt Village Hall, near Huntly. Entries will be taken from 1.30pm with judging starting at 2.30pm, £2 for first entry and £1 for subsequent. Nine pedigree and nine novelty classes are scheduled and the judge will be Helen Adams. For further information phone 01464 831004.

Another will be held within Turriff Show on the Monday (4th August). The judge is Karen Forbes, entries from 11.30pm with judging starting at 12.30pm.

The following week (Sunday 10th) a show will be held within Keith Show. Daveena Thomson will be judging. Sorry, I have no further details at the moment but I'll post them as soon as I do.

Last, but not least, our own annual show in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People will be held on Sunday 7th of September - more details to come.