Friday 6 June 2008

Junior Handling Seminar - a report by Caitlin Forbes

The first ever Junior Handling Seminar in Scotland was held on Sunday 1st June. Ria, Jodie (from Banff, Moray & Nairn club) Glenn and myself were lucky enough to go. Karen and Jenny were good enough to take us down to Carnoustie, Fife.

The first part of the programme was the conformation of the dog. Do you know where the pin bones are? Can you find them on your dog?

Then we were put into groups of experience, in my group there were seven of us. We were instructed by Michelle McAngus. We had to do triangles, Ls, circles, shadowing, show dentition and bite.

In the second group both Glenn and Ria were given the confidence to take part in JH by Cath Mason. Jasper did not make life easy for Ria but, with perseverence, they enjoyed the experience! Glenn got to handle my Tilly and Davy the papillon. Tilly was so good she was used by two other Juniors. We then stopped for lunch before more practice and then the competition!!

I was 4th in the 12 -16 age group and Ria was 4th in the 6 - 11 age group.